Reflective strips Slip over your clothing and secure with hook and loop fastener on front Horizontal reflective stripes all the way around Help increase your visibility with this brightly coloured lightweight vest Keep handy for night roadside emergencies Great promo item for construction...
Same Day Service: 375 PIECE MAX. PO and artwork need to be received by 12pm. Order can only be 1 color, 1 location. Proofing not available. Available for Canadian Orders Only. See Decorations & Charges Tab for more details. Charge: $90.00 (G). Send POs to:
24 Hour Service: MAX QTY 750. Additional conditions apply, see Decorations & Charges Tab for more details. Charge: $60.00 (G). Send POs to:
Reflective strips Slip over your clothing and secure with hook and loop fastener on front Horizontal reflective stripes all the way around Help increase your visibility with this brightly coloured lightweight vest Keep handy for night roadside emergencies Great promo item for construction and landscaping crews
Reflective strips
Slip over your clothing and secure with hook and loop fastener on front
Horizontal reflective stripes all the way around
Help increase your visibility with this brightly coloured lightweight vest
Perma Press up to 40 square inches Set-Up: $65.00G Repeat Set-Up: $30.00G
Perma Press up to 40 square inches Run: $1.05E Min. Order: 150 unit(s) 12-15 Business days for quantites up to 4500 units. 2000+ pcs require a pre production sample
Perma Press 41-64 square inches Run: $1.45E Min. Order: 150 unit(s) 12-15 Business days for quantites up to 4500 units. 2000+ pcs require a pre production sample
Full Color Transfer 41-64 square inches Set-Up: $65.00G Repeat Set-Up: $30.00G
Full Color Transfer 41-64 square inches Run: $2.00E
Full Color Transfer 0-40 square inches Set-Up: $65.00G Repeat Set-Up: $30.00G
Full Color Transfer 0-40 square inches Run: $1.30E
Additional Location
Additional Location Run: $0.75E
Service Charge
24 Hour Rush Service Charge: $60.00G Qty Restrictions Apply
Same Day Service Charge: $90.00G Qty Restrictions Apply